Monday, April 28, 2008

Reverend Jeremiah Wright's Speech on Change

I was able to view the entire speech delivered by Rev. Jeremiah Wright last night as he was honored by the Detroit NAACP and I was impressed. I knew a lot about him before the speech due to viewing his sermons on TV, but this speech was informative, dynamic, funny and real. This speech was an opportunity for the world to hear his words in its entirety without being edited by the media. So CNN must be commended on showing this speech along with its commentary afterwards. Rev. Wright articulated what those of us who attend "the African-American" church feel on each Sunday. He spoke of the differences between cultures and how some people view those differences as being difficient. As he stated, "its just different", no one is superior. The only area that I think that there might be a debate is how he generalized the differences in how those of African decent and European decent learn. I believe that 90% of what he said in those statements was true, however he should have stated that 'some' us learn differently than whites. We do have some in our community who are just straightforward and analytical, while others are very creative and vice versa for Europeans. There are some white kids that cannot analyze a thing, but they can create art or sing. That broad brush that was painted as it relates to the learning styles is the only thing that I do not agree with 100%.With being that said, I admired what he said and how he said that he is "running for JESUS"; that statement was very powerful. In essence, he was saying that the media cannot make him shut up because GOD is first in his life. He was able to differientiate himself from Senator Obama while also supporting him.For those who say that he should just shut up I say: I believe that he doesn't have to duck and hide for anybody because his sermons are used to uplift a people who have been downtrodden since the day we have been here. Look at the ministries that they perform to serve the community.To the Republican commentator that said that he is capitalizing on this media coverage to write a book and make money I say: It doesn't matter if Senator Obama was running for President or not, Rev. Wright would still be making his rounds and performing revivals and attending functions. That is an indication that the 'world' does not know nor understand the African-American church. Ministers are always on the road delivering sermons and being that he is retiring, I would think that he has already planned to write a book that talks about his 40 years in the ministry.In conclusion, I would like to say that Senator Obama does not have to answer every question about everything that Rev Wright has said, and especially about last night's speech. He was not angry nor devisive, so if Senator Obama chooses to be POLITICAL and dismiss the speeech as divisive or racist, then he has lost a vote from me. It means that has sold out his soul to get the Presidency. You don't have to agree with every word the man said but let's be real and agree that most of what he said was right on point. Just look at the responses from the CNN staff Tony Sanchez, Soledad O'Brien and Roland Martin.

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